This is not how HTML and CSS should be used!

// Some fun coding by Peter Westendorp: "Tunnel vision 3D" with CSS. As Peter writes: "This is an experiment to demonstrate the power of CSS and modern browsers. This is not how HTML and CSS should be used." :D See it live here

This is the Internet!

// Openly accessible data + open source development + open technologies = awesome :)The people at Teehan+Lax have developed a method to create timelapse videos using imagery from Google Street View. They call it Google Street View Hyperlapse and you can see the amazing video that you can produce as well, along with links to [Continue reading]

Full size photo uploads: G+ winning the tech war on Facebook

// In the latest #googleplusupdate, you can now upload the full-sized photos and G+ will serve them accordingly: Initially you get a reduced (but great quality) version but you can zoon and pan to see more detail! How to have this: To enable full-size desktop uploads, just visit your settings at, and check "Upload [Continue reading]

Social media cross-posting with Fotostat

// I’ve been expanding the number of social networks I use, almost like an addict lately :) So I’ve been looking for a way to administer my addiction in an easier way. I had an automation between G+, Twitter and my WordPress blog (so I was only posting on G+) and additionally was cross-posting to [Continue reading]

Just because you can: GUI icons with pure CSS

// Inspired by an elegant piece of CSS code by +Lea Verou, creating the WiFi code (see it here, I searched for other examples of this and found this little gem: A demo of 84 icons created with just CSS by +Nicolas Gallagher. Nicolas calls it’s a "technical exercise" but given that this was [Continue reading]

Charts with Javascript: even more ways to kill Flash

// Javascript-powered chart solutions is a favorite topic of mine, so here are a few more options for you- NVD3 ( builds upon the powerful D3 library and currently supports 11 different interactive chart types – Rickshaw ( also built on D3, can be used for live-data time graphs with 4 customisable chart types _ [Continue reading]

Draft: cloud text-editing for any anything anywhere

// I’ve written about #Draft already a few days ago when it was “just” a web-based text #editor for #Dropboxand Google Drive with version control and collaboration features.But I need to write again as a #Chrome extension was released that redefined how you can use Draft. I’ll just copy the developer’s (+Nathan Kontny) description: [Continue reading]

Twitter Cards: Engage!

// Just 6 days after my submission for inclusion on the #TwitterCards program, I got in and in the screenshot you can see the result: whenever someone tweets a URL of my blog, an “expanded view” will be available with a title, short description, thumbnail, my name and #Twitter handleIt also works on the mobile (iOS [Continue reading]

Improve links to your site on Twitter with Twitter Cards

// Announced since last July, Twitter Cards is Twitter’s equivalent (or “answer” if you like tech drama) to the Open Graph. By defining a set of #meta #tags in your #HTML code you can provide instructions to #Twitterin order to display an “expanded” preview of your page, when your page’s URL is included in a [Continue reading]

Tracking shares before they happen (or even if they don’t happen)?

// A tricky question poped up in my Quora home page: Is it possible to check, if somebody requested your site’s #meta #tags ?The logic behind this is that you could track social shares even if the user doesn’t complete the process (load’s up the URL on Facebook or a sharing widget) and then quits. [Continue reading]

HTC cloned Jony Ive!

// The “evidence” :) 1) Video of Jony Ive on Apple’s unibody process 2) Video of HTC’s zero-gap process

Quora, a Google+ blogging alternative?

// I generally detest article headlines that pose questions rather than provide a definite position, but I’m undecided on this one.Recently, #Quora upgraded their Boards feature, renaming the Blogs. The standard features include: – a subdomain of your choice – set a title, logo/avatar image and #blog description – choice of set of basic [Continue reading]

How to create an infographic from your Google Analytics data

// Well, there’s not much to say here. People love #infographics for visualising information and numbers in an easy to consume manner. People also love #GoogleAnalytics for an endless amount of #statisticsabout their website.Now you can combine both with a few clicks on the free tool by The process is relatively simple, you connect [Continue reading]

Does your company know what the internet is?

//_UPDATE_: The situation has been sorted out, the project is back online normally // Yesterday I wrote ( about Chart.js, a new library for javascript/canvas-based charts. A day later, the site is down with a note shown in the screenshot, basically explaining how the developer’s employer doesn’t like the idea of #OpenSource. Here’s the outcome [Continue reading]

Chart.js: cross-browser, animated, HTML5 charts

//Non-Flash charts is a favourite topic of mine (see more here, basically because charts have been one of the last things Flash could do that HTML couldn’t. This of course has been changing a lot the last few years.  Another very recent (released yesterday!) example of is Chart.js. It packs: – 6 animated chart types: [Continue reading]

Text editing on the cloud: Draft

// I’ve been using Dropbox for some time now to access work files from home or when travelling. But when I’ve recently had to work on a closed down Windows PC that I couldn’t install anything, I had to get further "deeper" into the #cloud. :)  I’ve been keeping quick notes in text files stored [Continue reading]

Blog redesigned – comments?

// I hadn’t touched my blog’s design for a bit over year, so I thought it was time for a refresh. Yes, In case you haven’t noticed, I have a blog at which contains a full (an indexed) archive of all my Google+ posts.  So over the last 20 months I have ended up writing [Continue reading]

Google Reader is dead, long live Feedly

// As I was writing ( when the #GoogleReader death was announced, the race is on for a new king of #RSS readers.  Of the 4 that I tried the last 2 days, here’s the outcome: – The Old Reader: imported everything (but only current copies of the feeds, not the Google #Reader archive (which has [Continue reading]

Google Reader's death is an opportunity, but for who?

// So #Google is killing Google Reader, messing with the image they have been building for years that "Google can do everything for everyone". #Reader has been the definitive #web-based #RSS reader service for years. That said the race is one for it’s replacement. And things are not looking good in terms of instantly responding [Continue reading]

Today on the other hand

//– Can be the first day of the rest of your life, if you so choose. Choose wisely.Is an opportunity to decide if you like the path you’re on, or if you need new direction.– Is an opportunity to start building new habits, changing the you of tomorrow.– Is an opportunity to say "yes" to [Continue reading]

Public service announcement

// Then again, I’m afraid the internet would be half empty if we followed this rule… :)via +Kay Kulkarni 

Add icons to your links with CSS3

// A lovingly quick way to add icons next to your links that I just saw in +Lea Verou’s (of W3C) site: all you need is a simple line of #CSS3 code. a[href^=""]::before { content: url("twitter.png"); } See it live at

The Ultimate Browser Detection Fail

// So here’s a screenshot from #Google #Nexus , running Google’s #Android browser, showing a page on a Google service (Google Groups). We notice two things happening:  1) Google’s page can’t identify Google’s browser correctly and instead mistake it for #Safari2) Google engineers can’t (or wont?) make a page of relatively simple (in terms of [Continue reading]

So this is Bill Gate's monitor

// Bill showed off his monitor during his AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit It is actually a 82" multi-touch display intended for presentations but I suppose it can work as a decent personal monitor as well :) If you have the pockets for it, click here The AMA received a lot interest with almost 29,000 [Continue reading]

CSS Paint times and a Faster Web Experience

// At a perhaps an alarming rate, web sites are becoming more and more like complete applications, see for example the refreshed +The Next Web or +Mashable). This means that looking into initial page loading times is not enough. We need to monitor how the web page reacts at user input.  +Addy Osmani has been posting a [Continue reading]

Track WordPress Queries with Debug Bar

// I’m in #WordPress  mode these days (building a site for a client), so here’s another handy plugin: Debug Bar gives you helpful information for #debugging  like PHP error/notices, the full list of database queries and more. I needed the database part as you can see in the screenshot. Get it here: 

Secure WordPress with WP-Security

// WP Security Scan is a set of tools for adding some basic #security  on your #WordPress  installation. It includes: – A series of tests like if you have the latest version, if you’re not telling the world your version of WordPress, .htaccess protection, etc (see screenshot) – Information on your PHP/MySQL installation for debugging– Permissions checks [Continue reading]

Change your scrollbars with jQuery NiceScroll 

// For some time changing the look of #scrollbars has been quite tricky but the last couple of years this has become easier. Probably one of the best is a #jQuery  plugin call NiceScroll. Now in version 3 it features: – simple installation with just a line of code for any div or the whole [Continue reading]

How to save space in your WordPress site

// Handy #plugin  for #WordPress : WP-Optimize will give you the option to clear revisions, draft posts and spam/pending comments and also optimise your database tables, freeing up value disk space and speeding up all database access. That said, if you use the Google+ Blog plugin by +Daniel Treadwell to import your G+ posts in WordPress, [Continue reading]

The waiting line game of Mailbox

// #Mailbox , the latest attempt at improving mail #productivity , might work or it might fail. But they’ve handled their launch strategy in an innovative and smart (in terms of  #marketing ).  Instead of the classic "give us your e-mail to notify you" and then just launch for the entire world, they adopted a [Continue reading]