– Rickshaw (http://code.shutterstock.com/rickshaw/) also built on D3, can be used for live-data time graphs with 4 customisable chart types
_ gRaphaël (http://g.raphaeljs.com/) is based on Raphaël and has 4 different chart types including a dot chart
– YUI charts (http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/charts/) is part of the YUI library and supports 7 chart types
– Polychart.js (http://polychartjs.com/) has 5 chart types which can be combined.
Depending on your situation and needs any of this could work, but surely NVD3 stands out. For more on the topic, see here http://bit.ly/g-chart
Tags: chart, charts, javascript, visualization
Have you used the Google Chart Tools API?: https://developers.google.com/chart/
Thank you for this! I had seen a previous version that was producing images but it seems that they have upgraded to some partially interactive version