In case you were wondering how much information you’re providing to Facebook’s advertisers, there is a page for that. To access the page, you need to bump into an ad on your feed, click the arrow icon on the top right, select “Why am I seeing this?” and then “Manage your ad preferences”. Or click [Continue reading]
A journalist walks into a bar along with a hacker and a spoofing device, and proceeds to sneak into people’s computers and then google them for their publicly-available personal information. If you’re intrigued and need a reason to clean up your social media profiles (do you really want to have your vacation photos set to [Continue reading]
// I recently wrote asking for a #Google+ activity log, a page where you could see all the posts you +1ed or commented on. The problem is, if someone doesn’t interact with the post after you, you can’t easily find it. It turns out something like this is on the works. +Shamil Weerakoon pointed me to [Continue reading]
#security #malware #privacy Embedded Link How websites use your browser to sell you for cash • The Register Google+: Reshared 1 times
The Markos Giannopoulos Blog
This is the blog of Markos Giannopoulos, devoted to web development, technology, the internets, productivity, etc. I've been working on, in and around the web for the last 26 years. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter or subscribe to this blog's RSS feed or via e-mail below.