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A new way to share on Google+ from any page

Friends+Me has a new Google Chrome #extension, allowing you to share any page you are currently visiting. A popup like the one you would get on G+ appears and you can write your post, tag people and use the hashtag autocomplete feature as if you’re inside G+. You can also choose to start a new [Continue reading]

Draft: cloud text-editing for any anything anywhere

// I’ve written about #Draft already a few days ago http://bit.ly/g-draft when it was “just” a web-based text #editor for #Dropboxand Google Drive with version control and collaboration features.But I need to write again as a #Chrome extension was released that redefined how you can use Draft. I’ll just copy the developer’s (+Nathan Kontny) description: [Continue reading]

The Ultimate Browser Detection Fail

// So here’s a screenshot from #Google #Nexus , running Google’s #Android browser, showing a page on a Google service (Google Groups). We notice two things happening:  1) Google’s page can’t identify Google’s browser correctly and instead mistake it for #Safari2) Google engineers can’t (or wont?) make a page of relatively simple (in terms of [Continue reading]

Coming soon: Where your browser memory goes

// Currently available as part of the #devtools of the "early adopters" Canary version of #Chrome is a new feature that allows you to check what takes up the #memory that is allocated for your browser. This will certainly allow for more efficient #javascript  programming.  Read more about it in +Addy Osmani’s post http://bit.ly/101e2P9