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Free Video Sharing Tools For Businesses

With the announcement yesterday about Facebook’s Video chat feature, there is more interest surrounding ways that you can share the apps running on your screen as well as your mug across a video link. There are dozens of Web conferencing products that I have cataloged here and I will mention a few of these services [Continue reading]

Facebook, Google, and the war to lock you in

Facebook isn’t necessarily the new Compuserve, and Google might not be angling to be the Hotel California of tech, but all of the big web giants seem intent on locking their users into experiencing a single-vendor web. Facebook riled users this week by throttling their ability to export their Facebook friends’ data for use with [Continue reading]

How Forbes turned $6.5 million into $20 billion

The web is getting ready for another bubble… Forbes is reporting that Facebook’s Zuckerberg is now richer than the Google’s Sergey and Larry. How did that happen? By using the most naive form of financial extrapolation and calling it fact. Here’s how the financial alchemy works: GSV Capital spent $6.5 million to buy 225,000 shares [Continue reading]

+1 reporting in Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics

The +1 button and the Google+ project are both about making it easier to connect with the people you trust online. For the +1 button, that means bringing advice from trusted friends and contacts right into Google search, letting the users who love your web content recommend it at the moment of decision. But when you’re [Continue reading]