The Old Reader imported 3 out of 20 subscriptions and is giving my a message that the rest are being imported in the background. That was some 40 minutes ago. The 3 subscriptions are loading fine though, with the exception of photos on the Shorpy feed http://theoldreader.com/
Netvibes imported all of my subscriptions but loading feeds is very slow or does not happen at all at the moment http://www.netvibes.com/
NewsBlur hasn't managed to complete the import process after several tries and often gives out 502 error pages http://newsblur.com
Feedly (Chrome extension) imported all subscriptions with ease, but has a problem loading up all the many little images that uses in it's interface and basically you can't use it much http://www.feedly.com/
If you have found another service that does not directly connect to #GoogleReader but instead can import #OMPL files, you can export your Reader subscriptions to OMPL on Google Takeout here https://www.google.com/takeout/#custom:reader
So how are you dealing with this?
They are going to be much slower than usual for some time, until GR's ex-audience stops DDoSing their import services.
True, it's interesting how each of them are coping with the load.