How to create an infographic from your Google Analytics data

// Well, there’s not much to say here. People love #infographics for visualising information and numbers in an easy to consume manner. People also love #GoogleAnalytics for an endless amount of #statisticsabout their website.Now you can combine both with a few clicks on the free tool by Visual.ly. The process is relatively simple, you connect +Visually with your GA account, select the website you want the report of, and you’re done. You get a result for the last week, like the one shown on the screenshot (you get the typical long form, but I’ve re-arranged it to fit better on a page). You can also set to have a weekly report sent to your e-mail address.

Try it out here: http://bit.ly/visually-ga

Found via +Jules Stuifbergen

Markos Giannopoulos:
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