11 Applications for your new Mac

11 Applications for your new Mac

After six years, I got to setup a new Mac. Having never done a format of the previous Mac and deciding not to migrate its installation, I found myself starting from zero. Here is my selection of essential free/almost-free apps that make my digital life easier
Hyperdock: A variety of neat features that improve the application dock and window management – my favorite is window previews when hovering over an icon on the dock [paid, 6.95 euro – free 2-weeks trial]
CoconutBattery: Shows remaining time left on your battery or other custom statistics in the menu bar [free with upgrade option to a plus version for more features at 9.95 euro]
Itsycal: access to your calendar from a customisable menubar icon [donation-ware]
Fans control: control your fans or just see current CPU temperature / fan speed on the menubar [free]
MenuMeters : Tons of monitoring statistics (CPU, disk, network, memory) on the menu bar [free]
Tripmode: blocks network access for selected applications when you are using a tethered internet connection from your phone [paid(7.99 euro), free trial for 7 days]
Pomodone: pomodoro timer and time tracker that can integrate with all sorts of task/project management systems and other platforms via Zapier [free with premium subsciption adding integrations] (More on the pomodoro technique on Wikipedia)
RescueTime: Monitor which applications / websites you are using the most, measure productivity based on app/site usage, block distracting websites [free with premium subscription for advance features]
fLux : the original screen dimmer, still much better than Apple’s Night Shift (which does not work with multiple monitors) [free/donationware, consider a 5-10$ donation]
Fliqlo : classic screensaver that shows the time [free]
Telnet: add telnet on your command line [obviously free]

Tell me which app I am missing in the comments. :) 

Also published on Medium.

Markos Giannopoulos:
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