Moves+Earndit: How to earn rewards while doing nothing (except exercise)

I’m posting this under Motivation because for me the end result is highly motivating. You can also file it under “technology for the lazy” because this requires a one-time setup and no need to ever think about it again :)

So I’ve been using for some months Moves, a free iOS app (soon on Android as well) that automatically tracks walking, running and cycling. You just open the app, there is no registration so your data is anonymous, and your activity is tracked. After 5 months of use, the app really does an excellent job tracking the different types of actions.

In terms of motivation, it simply tracks if you have made a new record and you can have weekly or monthly overviews (the bottom image on the screenshot is my own track record). But this has changed as the developers now have an API that allows other services to connect to the app and get your data (not the location data, just the totals).

Probably the first service to do that is Earndit, a site (free, no subscription) that gives you rewards (in forms of discounts or charity donations) for exercise that you track through it. It actually supports connections with many other services like Nike+ and Endomondo (see the screenshot) and they just added Moves as well.

Rewards you can get are discounts in various online shops (some available also for non-US people) but also donations to charities. I’m currently working on a donation for clean water in Haiti. Well that’s motivation! :)

Earndit also includes weekly and monthly challenges (you can set up challenges with your friends as well), “trophies” (think Foursquare badges), as well as rankings to get you motivated and interested in following through your exercise plans.

Find out more about Earndit here http://earnd.it/12EpVLD (disclaimer: I get some points if you sign-up through it but only if you actually use the service and earn some points. Direct link is http://earndit.com/)

Finally, more info and download about the Moves app here http://www.moves-app.com/

Anyone using either of these two app/service?

Markos Giannopoulos:
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