History: G+ Activity Log for the rest of the Web

// I recently wrote http://bit.ly/Vx6wiE asking for a #Google+ activity log, a page where you could see all the posts you +1ed or commented on. The problem is, if someone doesn't interact with the post after you, you can't easily find it. 

It turns out something like this is on the works. +Shamil Weerakoon pointed me to the direction of the #Google #HistoryAPI. Announced back in June of last year at Google I/O, it promises to allow websites to post updates of actions you take around the web to Google's archive. If the concept sounds familiar it is because #Facebook has already done with #OpenGraph http://bit.ly/YG2e9B

The History #API is still in development but you can get a taste of it already. You can have in a single page, the archive of pages you +1ed around the web (not G+ posts), videos you viewed on YouTube, apps you got from Google Play, photos from Instant Upload and searches you have made (although that last one hasn't appeared on my page so far). People concerned with #privacy  should be reassured by the fact that you can select per source who can see your history (i've set everything to "only me"). 
Click here to learn more http://bit.ly/WARdDg and here http://bit.ly/WzOOce to sign-up. And here's another #googleplusrequest : Do the obvious, integrate this with Google posts and comments! :)

Markos Giannopoulos:
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