Coming soon: Where your browser memory goes

// Currently available as part of the #devtools of the "early adopters" Canary version of #Chrome is a new feature…

Markos Giannopoulos

Your most popular G+ photos

// A lovely use of the #Google+ #API  : Go to  http://www.googleplussuomi.com/thumbs.php?id=109098983561044225374 and replace the ID number with the number…

Markos Giannopoulos

How to start writing secure PHP code

// Some basics of writing #secure   #code  from Nathan Good at IBM1) Validate input2) Guard your file system3) Guard your…

Markos Giannopoulos

Google adding synonyms and intent in the search for the perfect match

// For some time now, #Google has not been taking your searches... literally. Your keywords will of course be used…

Markos Giannopoulos

How to stop SPAM trackbacks in WordPress 

// Nearly every #Wordpress  blog will start getting spam trackback requests shortly after they have it's first few visitors. If…

Markos Giannopoulos

Gantt charts with Javascript II

// I've previously (http://bit.ly/ZTPsnX) wrote about some #javascript based #gantt solutions, here are a couple more:Teamwork Gantt by Open Lab…

Markos Giannopoulos

No-Flash Maps with jQuery

// There are tons of Flash-based map solutions and there is always Google maps integration, but what if you want…

Markos Giannopoulos

Reminder: People come to your site to consume content

// They do not come to see ads or others links to other pages to your site, or navigation links…

Markos Giannopoulos

Zoom! Enhance! Manhattan!

// Just trying for another time the latest   #googleplusupdate that allows you to #zoom on big photos.This one is a…

Markos Giannopoulos

Zoom! Enhance!

// Google+ was already a great #social network for photographers but this new feature in the most recent #googleplusupdate  is…

Markos Giannopoulos