You already have the profile photo for that. I know that you’re supposed to project yourself through you profile but try to find more ways to do this than one more photo of yourself.
Plus, it’s bit disconcerting when I see multiple versions of you looking back at me through my screen. Thank you for your kind attention :)
P.S. Here, you can use one of my recent photos (or any one of my site as long as you credit me) :)
There are various solutions (with varying paying options) if you want to monitor your #social network efforts but there is also an open-source solution. +ThinkUp, led by +Gina Trapani, is a web application that can provide you statistics on your #Facebook , #Twitter and #Google + accounts and pages. Included…
#Google is quickly adding social elements in search, you might have seen that can see who shared a page directly on the #search results page. But you can now add your own author information (name and photo) when a page of yours shows up in search results. Here's how to…