// If you’re tired of using a lorem ipsum text every time you want to fill up dummy text, here is a simple solution. Fillerati by Michael McMillan offers you:
– choice of 6 classic authors like Verne and Wells
– choice between plain text, list, title and paragraph html
– choice on the amount of words, paragraphs or items
Check out Fillerati.
h/t to Giorgos Grispos for the link.
// I generally detest article headlines that pose questions rather than provide a definite position, but I'm undecided on this one.Recently, #Quora upgraded their Boards feature, renaming the Blogs. The standard features include: - a quora.com subdomain of your choice - set a title, logo/avatar image and #blog description -…
// I've written about #Draft already a few days ago http://bit.ly/g-draft when it was "just" a web-based text #editor for #Dropboxand Google Drive with version control and collaboration features.But I need to write again as a #Chrome extension was released that redefined how you can use Draft. I'll just copy…