// Is this getting silly? I’d say probably not, we need to push the boundaries of tech, even if it means we end up in hyperspace :) Following “Tunnel Vision 3D” by Peter Westendorp, here is another example of HTML/CSS mastery by Noah Blon.
Check out this Pen!
Enjoy this in full screen! http://cdpn.io/GKflw
CSS "Magic" :)
CSS "Magic" :) Embedded Link Experiments with background-clip: text Experiments with background-clip: text - Background Image for Text Google+: View post on Google+
Drawing images with just #CSS
A new age for spam mails? :) Embedded Link How to draw the Windows logo with 100% CSS. No javascript! No images! HTML.
Advancing the HTML experience
www.mycookingdiary.com by +Mike Matas is great example of what you can do (and how to do it properly) with #HTML and #CSS today: - A continuous user experience using AJAX to keep the user engaged. However, each "slide" has it's own URL. This means you can bookmark it, share it,…
Machine Learning in everyday applications
Machine Learning has been around for decades and is already used in a variety of…
Pleasing our Lord Google: A work in progress
Improving the Core Web Vitals metrics does not seem to have any serious effect in…
Hunting for restaurant locations in New York using Python
Introduction/Business Problem What follows is a presentation of a short data science task for the…