Burn Flash, burn
Here's another use of Flash that can be converted to #HTML5 / #CSS3 : turn.js provides an easy to setup page-flip effect with just a few lines of codes.
Get it here http://bit.ly/FOHmkX and also check out this tutorial of an Instragram-powered "magazine" using turn,js http://bit.ly/ym1cDo
Google+: Reshared 3 times
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Today we’re making the first version of Swiffy available on Google Labs. You can upload a SWF file, and Swiffy will produce an HTML5 version which will run in modern browsers with a high level of SVG support such as Chrome and Safari. It’s still an early version, so it…
The next version of the Kindle books format will support HTML5 and CSS3, moving away from the Mobi format. Of course it continues to be a shame (and a non-starter for me) that Kindle doesn't support #EPUB ... Embedded Link Kindle Format 8 Overview Kindle Format 8 Overview Google+: Reshared…
Catch me if you can!Here is a very nice tutorial that +Codrops calls Direction-Aware Hover Effect. Using #CSS3 and #jQuery you can have animated effects when hovering over an element that takes into account the cursor movement. This creates a unique effect on each move a user makes. Check it…