I know you like maps on signs so I put a QR code on your sign to open up a map…
Someone please explain the rationale for placing a huge QR code on a sign on the space where you would normally put a map, and then having the QR code be a link to the map (if you happen to have a proper device to handle it). And of course placing driving directions aligned centered :)
This distorted view that everything is better done digitally doesn't end there. Yesterday, finally the big the news came: there is now an app so that you can knock on people's door with an SMS http://bit.ly/AmVWe8
At some point we need to see that some things can also be done physically ;)
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In the new version of iPhoto announced two days ago, #Apple has dropped using #GoogleMaps in favor of +OpenStreetMap, an open-source initiative for map data. Given that Apple was kind enough to NOT give credit to #OpenStreetMap (see more http://bit.ly/xM3YGt) I'd say it's ok to use Apple's map tiles on…
// Inspired by an elegant piece of CSS code by +Lea Verou, creating the WiFi code (see it here http://bit.ly/wificss), I searched for other examples of this and found this little gem: A demo of 84 icons created with just CSS by +Nicolas Gallagher.Nicolas calls it's a "technical exercise" but…
So you're taking photos with your mobile and posting them in your #WordPress -powered #photoblog but you find that you're missing something. While your phone has included location information in the photo, it is nowhere to be found on your site. A solution comes with the GeotagPhoto #plugin : it…