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Website Stencil Kit — UI Stencils
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Some very nice tips Embedded Link App design versus web design: what designers can teach each other | Webdesigner Depot We often look at application design and website design as two different, if related, fields. The lines blur a bit with web apps (which are technically both Google+: View post…
If you are planning on developing a new website, here as some concepts (some old, some new) on how to go at it: - Think responsively - Even if you’re not implementing a full responsive design, simply thinking in responsive terms goes a long way to achieving usable universal design.-…
The #responsivedesign concept is quickly becoming a must-have item in any new web design project. But while the miracle of "code once, run everywhere" is upon us, some challenges are ahead for the designer. Suddenly, it's not one #wireframe , but three or four (for each #layout of the website).…