Is there / can there by a default for something like that?

That said, how would your site look if body text was 16px?

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16 Pixels: For Body Copy. Anything Less Is A Costly Mistake – Smashing Magazine | Smashing Magazine
In this article, you'll understand why 16 pixels should generally be the minimum size for body copy in modern Web design.

Markos Giannopoulos:

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  • Thanks for that <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span>Markos Giannopoulos</span> I tend to agree and have recently felt that my copy needed some physical (read: font) growth, especially for key points and copy I didn't want readers to skim over. Interestingly, if you look at my last blog post at http://messagingtimes.com, you will notice my shift to a larger font.