cool news!

cool news!

Reshared post from +Chris Chabot

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu

I’m super excited about how the Google+ project brings the richness and nuance of real life sharing to software, and today we’re announcing our first step towards bringing this to your apps as well by launching the Google+ public data APIs.

These APIs allow you to retrieve the public profile information and public posts of the Google+ users, and they lay the foundation for us to build on together – Nothing great is ever built in a vacuum so I’m excited to start the conversation about what the Google+ platform should look like.

Please follow the link to the blog post to find out what exactly we’re launching and you can find the technical details on how to use this on our new developer site at http://developers.google.com/+

I’d also like to take a moment to introduce my team who will be joining me on working with our developer community (ie: you!) and answering any questions you may have about the Google+ platform on our discussion forums.

We’ll all also be doing a bunch of Hangouts over the next few days and beyond to talk to you directly and hear what you think of the +Platform as well as helping with any coding questions you may have, so make sure to add them to your Google+ developers circle!

+Timothy Jordan
+Jonathan Beri
+Ade Oshineye
+Will Norris
+Jenny Murphy
+Wolff Dobson

Now let's see lots of re-shares on this post & let's get this party started!

Embedded Link

Getting Started on the Google+ API – Google+ Platform Blog
Official source of information about the Google+ platform

Markos Giannopoulos: