Going to be trying this soon
Reshared post from +Eric Cheng
Very useful. I had to kick it off 3 times, but it seems to have worked.
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Move Your Photos – An easy way to move your Facebook Albums to Picasa
Move2Picasa is a web application that helps you export all your facebook albums to picasa and share with your google+ circle in just two clicks.
Google+: View post on Google+
You can have Google Analytics in Picasa That's it, i'm moving from Flickr Embedded Link Using Google Analytics to track visits : Captions, Comments, and Tags - Picasa Help You can integrate Google Analytics to monitor your Picasa Web Albums photo traffic. Please note that this is not a feature…
I love how Google+ show photos from an album, tempted to look for a Flickr to Picasa conversion...In album Denmark Nov/2008 (78 photos) Google+: View post on Google+
I previously http://bit.ly/x0KSf0 wrote about my troubles with Flickr: my Pro account expired (Flickr cared so much about keeping me as a client that it sent me a total 1 (one) mail about it) and according to Flickr policy I could only access only the 200 most recents og my…