A nicely done jQuery/Prototype plugin that turns select fields (single and multiple choice ones) into a more user-friendly experience
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Chosen – a JavaScript plugin for jQuery and Prototype – makes select boxes better
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I've been using an old #jQuery plugin called "jquery.gantt" with limited features and it was time for an upgrade. My search ended with JSGantt, an open source #javascript solution that covers everything you would want:- Task, (collapsible) task groups & milestones- Multiple dependencies- Multiple formats (day, week, month, etc)- Data…
// There are tons of Flash-based map solutions and there is always Google maps integration, but what if you want a more visually simplified, tablet-ready solution that will not depend on external sources? JQVMap is a #jQuery plugin that renders #Vector #Maps. It uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for modern…
Die Flash, Die!If you hate using Flash for your chart needs or just want a modern solution that will work on all devices, here are some alternatives:1) Morris.js, based on #jQuery and #Raphaël , will give you beautiful looking line charts http://bit.ly/IqRdA9 2) From the maker of Highslide, Highcharts provides…