Thomas-Rasset and the RIAA have been fighting the same copyright battle since 2007 over 24 songs she shared over the KaZaA P2P network
I can think of very few things more ridiculous than this…
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It's not over yet, Jammie Thomas: RIAA appeals damage reduction
The RIAA has filed an appeal against Jammie Thomas, who shared songs over a P2P network, saying the court failed to correctly interpret parts of the Copyright Act.
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For every video that YouTube is removing, another 3 copies of the same song are posted. You can now find hundreds of thousands (if not millions?) of songs on YouTube. Lawsuits like the one mentioned in the article are dropped. Meanwhile the poor souls who uploaded 10 songs 5 years…
Public reminder: when something is public, a copy of what you posted (multiple copies actually) remains somewhere. So you can't just delete a customer's comment and pretend it never existed. If his cares enough (like +Thomas Hawk here), the situation will be made even worse for you. Think again Walmart... Embedded Link…
It's about time someone said the truth about the criminal organization that is Google... ;) Embedded Link Eagles singer Don Henley: EFF, Google "aid and abet" criminals Musician Don Henley says that the EFF and Google "essentially aid and abet" copyright criminals—and any member of Congress who votes against website…