While it's a study commissioned by a company that just launched a social media management service ;), the results dont sound strange :)
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Study: Execs Aren't Yet Sure What to do About Social Media
Social media provides companies with new opportunities for customer service, research and marketing (within reason of course), but most respondents to a survey of C-level executive conducted …
Google+: View post on Google+
What many people have been expecting as an obvious feature when Google+ was launched is now becoming reality. It's not fully rolled out yet to everyone (just tried on a page but didn't get the magic) but you will be able to share the page you are +1'ing on your…
Vovo_panico, an elderly comedian from Brazil is getting an average of 179.81 re-tweets! Embedded Link On Twitter, The Most Influential Person Is… A new study from Hewlett-Packard Labs has analyzed trends and topics on Twitter in order to suss out how certain Tweeters influence the trending topics that Google+: View…
Do you track the social media activities of your employees? Embedded Link 44% of companies track employees’ social media use in AND out of the office A new survey has just been released that shows how companies approach social media in the workplace with some pretty surprising findings. When you work…