An interesting article on reducing bandwidth use, increase speed and serving you website visitors better
Images make up the majority of the Internet, yet we consistently fail to apply the most basic of optimizations. Even big sites like Twitter are completely screwing this up. Furthermore, there are huge unexplored areas when it comes to image optimization which would provide significant savings. We should stop worrying about esoteric performance optimizations when there is so much other low hanging fruit.
Full article: Overlooked Optimizations: Images / Stoyans
+George Aspland at +Search Engine Land has posted a comprehensive guide on improving your search engine ranking through careful curation of your content and code. His 12 steps: 1. Choose The Keywords To Focus On2. Prioritize Your Keywords3. Check That Important Content On The Page Is Getting Indexed4. Ensure The…
It’s a well-known fact that site speed is a critical ranking factor for organic search. The big question has been how exactly Google does this. This is probably one of the most-asked questions I receive, and the answers aren’t easy to find. Full article: FAQs: The 12 most-asked questions about…
Here is a handy chart of factors to consider in your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts by the good folks at Search Engine Land.Use it to 1) evaluate your current status: how are you fairing on each of them (from none at all to perfection - but also "doesn't apply"…