“You can expect to see a level of analytics and measurement that you’d typically find in Google products as well as a nuanced approach to how things are shared. It encourages and enhances conversation, it doesn’t just put things in the stream.”
More: Google+ business profiles to include analytics & more | VentureBeat.
+michael arrington: Google Analytics Premium costs $150,000 per year Embedded Link Google Analytics Premium: “Premium’s” The Right Word! Google announced a real time "premium" analytics product last week. Pricing? Contact them to find out. It's $150,000 per year. Wowza. Thanks for your interest in Premium. The program has a fl...... Google+:…
You can have Google Analytics in Picasa That's it, i'm moving from Flickr Embedded Link Using Google Analytics to track visits : Captions, Comments, and Tags - Picasa Help You can integrate Google Analytics to monitor your Picasa Web Albums photo traffic. Please note that this is not a feature…