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Google+ vs Facebook: The xkcd test

Xkcd is one of my favorite comics, so sharing a good strip is part of my “sharing agenda”. Facebook has traditionally a problem with xkcd.com pages.

Adventures in Google Apps Land

With the introduction of Google+ I made the attempt to re-organise my Google services under a new account also having my giannopoulos.net email on Google Apps. This lead to discovering two things

The most brilliant/evil feature in Google+

I’m exploring the world of Google+ and this option in the sharing window seems to be the best way for a social network to expand.

Google+ Statistics on SocialStatistics.com

You know when your product/service is catching on, when other people are starting to built on it, try to take advantage on it or make themselves more known by being the first on it. From the co-founder of TwitterCounter.com… Google+ Statistics tracks the top 100 users on Google+. Just add yourself so we can start [Continue reading]

Google+ Circles: Rethinking the way we share

I had a full article on the issue but the WordPress iPhone app decided to eat it, so here are some other people’s articles instead

Facebook, Google, and the war to lock you in

Facebook isn’t necessarily the new Compuserve, and Google might not be angling to be the Hotel California of tech, but all of the big web giants seem intent on locking their users into experiencing a single-vendor web. Facebook riled users this week by throttling their ability to export their Facebook friends’ data for use with [Continue reading]

Swiffy: convert SWF files to HTML5

Today we’re making the first version of Swiffy available on Google Labs. You can upload a SWF file, and Swiffy will produce an HTML5 version which will run in modern browsers with a high level of SVG support such as Chrome and Safari. It’s still an early version, so it won’t convert all Flash content, [Continue reading]