Hoax almost becomes true, hell will freeze quite shortly, please stay tuned

Hoax almost becomes true, hell will freeze quite shortly, please stay tuned

// Dear +Mark Zuckerberg, I really like your development priorities. We still can not edit our status updates, but we can now pay you money so that our posts can actually be seen by people that used to see all our posts. Keep up the good work! :)

I had previously reported http://bit.ly/P1y63j on this while passing via Turkey, now I see it in Greece as well. According to a recent CNN article http://cnnmon.ie/RAc9Gz it's coming everywhere with varying price charges ($7 in the US, 2.54 pounds in Greece (not sure why it didn't give me a euro price)). Meanwhile, Google+ doesn't even have ads. I feel like i'm not significant here :) 

It is interesting to note that the hoax about Facebook adopting a monthly subscription model is yet to become true http://bit.ly/Tf44JV

Google+: View post on Google+